Monday, February 21, 2011

Why God created Ants??

So we often asked the girls to join in cleaning the house or the yard. Very seldom actually because no-one have time after long day working and going to school.
Aqila loves cleaning and arranging. But one thing she can't deal with: bugs. She has to go slow on them. Well, cleaning the yard comes with everything in it, like bugs.

Being a small 'philosophic' girl, Aqila who was just bitten by red ant asked me a question in betweeh her whines:
Aqila: " Amie...aargh, my foot is itchy.. the ant bit me!!"
Me: "Well, baby, it's okay. Just put vicks rub and you'll be fine."

Aqila: "Geez, I don't understand God. Why God created ants if only to bite people's foot???!!"

Me: "Well,... okay, let's ask Abach why... :)"

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